It began with love and dreams. Eight children later and living in numerous cities in California to settling in Sutherlin, Oregon and later Crescent, Oregon, we gathered together to celebrate.
It was a beautiful summer day and we gathered together to celebrate Mom & Dad's 40th wedding anniversary with champagne, wedding cake, family and fun.
How young they all look...Gram, Uncle Don, Mom, Aunt Patsy & Uncle Jerry.
I made the wedding book which I now have somewhere in storage. Note to self...dig it out :O) I think that Sue made the cake, isn't it beautiful?
We celebrated Mom & Dad's 40th wedding anniversary at our house on Beacon Street it seems like an eternity ago. Everyone had such a great time. Aunt Evie played volleyball in her crushed red velvet dress, it was great! Sue made the comment that she stood on the side hoping that Aunt Evie wouldn't bounce out of her dress :O) It was such a great day for everyone.
Nice I have never seen those pictures, I wasn't there. I do have the glasses they are holding up though. Man seems like so long ago since I could talk to my momma or dad.
I am copying the pictures. What a great day that was. Great pictures too. I have started a blog too but only have one right now. i'm working on another one. mine is at: if you want to check in.
That's why we were there! I could not remember the occasion but I remember her playing in that dress! That was a great day. :)
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